good night sleep

How to Give Your Child a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is important to the development of a child. On average, 12 hours of sleep is required for a child to replenish their energy and become active during the day.

But more than just that, a good night’s sleep provides your child with various other benefits, including:

Optimal learning and memory

With a well-rested mind, children become attentive when learning new things. On the other hand, lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep can affect a child’s ability to retain information and engage in interactive learning activities. If you want to hone your child’s ability to store long-term memories, give them the right amount of rest they deserve each night.

Making better decisions

Some studies suggest that the average person makes at least 35,000 decisions a day while children make at least 3,000. Then again, it’s one thing to make that many choices, but it’s another to choose the best of all possible options. Quality sleep is without a doubt crucial in helping children analyze their choices and make the proper decisions.

Coming up with creative ideas

Children are naturally imaginative and this alone is crucial to helping them develop their cognitive abilities and generate fresh and exciting ideas. Poor sleeping habits will only hamper your child’s creative potential, so if you want them to excel in any artistic endeavor, give them time to nap in between activities.

Enhanced sociability

You know what happens when a child doesn’t get enough sleep. They easily lose their temper and are not in the mood for anything! With that being said, the amount of sleep they get has a significant impact on their ability to maintain healthy relationships. This sociability will eventually lead to opportunities for making new friends and building their confidence!
There are a lot more benefits to squeeze into this list, but it’s already enough to say that children need ample rest throughout the night.
If you see them nodding off at the table during the day, here are some tips that should help:

Make a habit out of it.

It always helps to stick to a routine that introduces several triggers that induce sleep. Before bedtime, consider getting your child to drink milk and reading a story. Be consistent until they stick to the schedule.

Use a reward system.

Kids will always follow through with any request if there is the possibility of receiving a reward. Whether it’s a trip to their favorite place in the neighborhood or having them watch their favorite show, compensating your child for sleeping early helps them build positive sleeping habits.

Regulate the munchies.

We all know that sugar can cause dental decay, but it can also hamper sleeping patterns. It’s not that chocolates and soft drinks are a bad thing, but having too much of these throughout the day can lead to restlessness. As a matter of fact, there is some evidence linking too much intake of sweet beverages with shorter sleep duration in children.

As a parent, you know full well how important a good night’s sleep is to your child. If you are struggling with getting your child well-rested to face another exciting day, refer back to the tips above.

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